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Tufanganj Post Office

Post office is located beside THE MAIN ROAD and near MENTAL HOSPITAL.It has more about two branches in Tufanganj. It is the main mailing service of Tufanganj. And its service is also satisfactory to people of Tufanganj.
Agriculture Development Office

Tufanganj is purely agriculture based area. Here about 80% people are dependent on cultivation directly. So agricultural development is the another name of development of Tufanganj's people. So in this case of development of cultivation AGRICULTURE OFFICE comes forward always to cultivators and they are always in touch. Here agriculture office is so active and very very helpful to common people. Here people are very satisfied with agricultural officials.Even agricultural office is taken so many positive initiatives to develop the agricultre and its people.
N.B.S.T.C. Office

Buses and cars are the main transport medium in Tufanganj. Two bus terminals are there in Tufanganj. One is Govt. aided NORTH BENGAL STATE TRANSPORT CORPORATION(N.B.S.T.C) and another one is private. Different types of buses are driven here to connect all over the state and country.

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